Never underestimate the importance of team building problem solving activities. As an owner or manager, you may feel that your employees need you as much as you need them. That really isn’t the case as they can find another job based on the skills they’ve acquired working for you. However, if you lose them you literally have to start over as you train and develop trust with someone new. Your customers develop a level of comfort with these employees and they help you run your business. That’s why it’s important to always let them know their work is appreciated beyond what they are getting for their paycheck.
So you want to reward them but also give them something that will encourage team work? That’s why escape rooms have become so popular for corporate events. They fit so many areas of need when looking for activities. They do not take long, they encourage your employees to work together and they even help with the development of problem solving skills. It’s really remarkable the impact one hour can have on your employees and the best part for you is that they are affordable and can be done after business hours.
Adventure Vault escape rooms in Boca Raton offer the ideal team building problem solving activities because they are affordable, encourage your group to work together to accomplish a single goal, they are fun and can be scheduled after work. If you are looking for a way to reward your team with a fun activity while also encouraging them to work together, escape challenges are your top choice. Rewarding your employees for their hard work only helps you as a business. Call today to learn more about the rooms that are available, schedule a group and ask about our corporate discounts when you book an entire room!